
I spent a couple hours again today trying to choose fabric for my Blooming 9-Patch. Choosing fabric for a quilt is just about the best part of quilting, but it is also the most stressful.

I have definitely decided against the first five layouts here. I just can not cut into the third fabric from the left for a Blooming 9-Patch. I absolutely love it and I do not want to cut it up into tiny little pieces.

It is a Kaffe Fassett fabric and I will use it someday, just not on one of these. Have you ever bought fabric that you find difficult to cut into?

After my post the other day about the Blooming 9-Patch I got an email from Michele. (Someone I never met who commented on my post.) Michele has made numerous Blooming 9-Patches and she had great insight on choosing fabrics.

She also sent me a link to view some of the Blooming 9-Patches that she has made. They are fabulous. After this I knew without a doubt that I needed to reconsider my fabric choice.

I really want to cut the strips and sew them together tonight so I need to make a decision.

I think I have decided on two different layouts so I guess I will eventually make two Blooming 9-Patches.

As you can see after the other day I decided to throw some orange into the mix. I just can't seem to stay away from orange.

The two layouts I decided on are numbers 7 and 10.

I think I will start with number 10 because it has some fabrics in it that I have had trouble using or I do not really like any more.
As it stands now (unless I change my mind again) I will be cutting into one of these stacks a little later.