Monday, January 8, 2024

Crocheting Again


A very interesting thing happened in 2023, I started crocheting again. It wasn’t even my idea. My daughter wanted me to make a baby blanket for my granddaughter. Oh, and I find it odd that they now refer to afghans as blankets. When did that happen and why did they ever call them afghans anyway?


Well, let me get back on track here. My daughter saw this daisy baby blanket on Pinterest and asked me to make it. I hesitated since I hadn’t crocheted since I started quilting 25 years earlier. But I do usually give in to my daughter. She was not sure what color she wanted it, so I made a few sample blocks. First the blue, then the darker pink, and then finally deciding on a lighter pink. It turns out that I still love to crochet. I actually started crocheting when I was about 7 years old.


I finished the daisy baby blanket off with a scalloped border.


When my daughter was trying to decide on what yarn she wanted for the daisy blanket we thought she had settled on the darker pink, so I bought enough for that project. Since she changed her mind, I had all this darker pink just sitting around. I really enjoyed crocheting again and did not have another project to do, so I made this all pink baby blanket. I’m not sure what I will do with that.


My next crocheting project was a bonnet for my granddaughter. After that was completed, I thought why not make her a sweater to match.

So, yes, the crochet bug has bitten. I still love to crochet. My passion is quilting but crocheting is portable and something I can do while sitting with others enjoying their company.

I do have another project started and am planning my next one after that.

My next post will be about quilting. I was actually sewing this weekend!




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