Thursday, September 2, 2010

Love my new fabric!

Look what arrived in the mail today. I ordered this fabric from Sew Deerly Loved. I didn't have any turquoise and red and love all that I am seeing on many blogs. I am going to make a circle quilt with this.

Monday I finally got my new sewing machine out of the box. I had to look back on my blog to see when I got it. Can you believe I got it June 24th and just got it out of the box.On Tuesday I used my Accuquilt GO for the first time. That arrived here on August 3rd. I think it is time for me to get back in my groove.

On September 18th, the members of the 7-Sisters Quilt Guild, are each going to be making a circle quilt. I am going to be heading that up so I wanted to get a baby sized one done ahead of time to make sure I know what I am doing. I am using the GO  to cut 5 inch circles. I can not believe the trouble I had. I am cutting the 5 inch circle out of the center of an 8 1/2 inch square. So to start with I lined some up wrong. Then I noticed that it was not cutting right. On every circle I cut one little thread was left uncut. I was very upset with this being my first time using the GO. So I got out another die and tried it and it worked fine. Luckily I got the circle die at the local JoAnn's so I took it back and exchanged it. The new one works great! I am hoping to have most of the baby quilt together for Friday night.  


  1. Hi Candy. I'm a first time visitor to your going to be back often! The verse John 15:5 is one of my very favorites! I cannot believe you've had a Janome Horizon for 2 months and haven't used it yet! {grin} I love your quilts. And, that red and aqua...heavenly!

  2. OMG, candy, I want exactly taht pile off fabric you ordered. can you tell me, did you pick one of the packages...or just choose as you go? I want you to order that exact pile for me! Please???

  3. That is wonderful fabric! I can't wait to see your quilt. I am making a circle one as well, but I guess I'll be cutting them the old fashioned way.

  4. Fabulous fabrics! And a Go! cutter, and a new sewing machine?! Wow! You are going to have some fun now!

  5. OH what a thrill to have a Go cutter. I can't wait to see these circle quilts. I have been wanting to do one and I think I will wait and see yours and your technique. Love your quilts!
